Sunday, May 2, 2010

Paboos for Africa

Today Sheridan is 4 years old.  I thought she'd be past the "terrible two" stage by now.  Boy, was I wrong!  But she never ceases to amaze me with the things she comes up with.  We have been preparing Sher for taking away her paboos for awhile now on her 4th birthday.  We tell her that she is a big girl at the magical age of 4, so she told us this morning as she handed her paboos (6 of them) to us that she wanted us to send them to Africa so all  the babies will have something to make them not cry until they have a family. 

She did cry for them tonight when we put her to sleep, but we reminded her that she wanted them sent to Africa.  She really is a big girl!  :)

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