Monday, February 23, 2009


Today we began the Texas Early Childhood Intervention program (ECI). This is all new to me, so if anyone has questions, then email me because I am learning as I go. If you are in Texas, then you can get more information at or call 1-800-628-5115.

ECI is a state-run program that promotes development in a child under the age of three.

1. First, you get a referral, usually from a heath-care provider, but if you suspect your child is developmentally delayed or has a medical or physical condition, you can contact the agency.

2. You have an Intake Evaluation in your home. (This is what I had today for M&M.)

3. Service Plan Meeting (IFSP) and family cost share agreement. If your child qualifies, then there is an income-based cost chare. If you agree to let ECI bill your health insurance, you will incur no fee for 6 months, even if your insurance denies payment. After the 6 months, then if your insurance even pays a dollar, they still will not charge you.

4. Delivery of Services which can include but not limited to assistative technology, audiology, family counseling, Health services, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and transportation.

5. 6-Month review of the service plan

6. Annual assessment of the IFSP and cost share

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