Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Two-Letter Word

I'm sorry if anyone wanted to see the video from last night's encore performance. I will get it up if I can find a spare minute. It's just that I can't seem to learn to say that two-letter word "no." Each year I get asked to take photos of the dancers during their performances, and I make a DVD of the pics (Yes DVD! I take that many...) and Beaumont Civic Ballet sells them for a fundraiser. I have yet to finish my photos from December... I told them I wasn't sure I could do it in a timely manner due to the children coming home, but they still wanted me to do it. Then, I also took on the task of taking pictures of the high school girl's soccer team. I had to do that one! If I didn't, then those girls would never have their pictures in the paper. Girls sports always gets the shaft! Maybe soon I will learn to use that two-letter word.

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